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One Piece Egghead Arc Monkey D. Luffy Costume for Cosplayers

In the One Piece Egghead Arc, Monkey D. Luffy Costume, stylish and sci-fi apparel appropriate for the Egghead island. Clobbering includes a stylish white formal fitting jumpsuit that fits him tight but flexible enough to afford him mobility in combat as well as in movement. The suit itself has well embellished future like motifs on the part of the arm and lower part of the legs thus making the entire outlook of the costume metallic. Orange and yellow stripes on the collar, upper chest area and cuffs provide the needed contrast to the mostly grey and black suit. These details correspond to Issho’s house environment of Egghead Island – where Vegapunk’s research base is located – as the island is rich in hi-tech devices and machines.

Luffy also has futuristic looking shoes and hand gloves that are as much utility based as they look eye-catching. The boots feature subtle metallic sheen indicating something higher tier material or technology, the gloves are reinforced with padding and grooved for gripping the environments for both fighting and climbing. He wears special belt that is not only piece of clothing but it also holds small gadgets and portable communication device which symbolize the relation of the island to the IT world. These accessories complement the whole appearance put is as functional for the chores on Egghead Island, otherwise, technosaurs prevail.

This form of attire of Monkey D. Luffy One Piece Egghead Arc Costume has some futuristic look, specially the rounded helmet which has a visor. He frequently raises this piece, thereby creating an adventurous, somewhat fanciful look that accords with Garrett’s character. This helmet also pays homage to the technology of Egghead Island, and deviates from the pirate clothing of the rest of the Straw Hats. Although, having this neat look, when Luffy transforms into Gear 5, readers see him drawn in the more childish and exaggerated manner respectively which contrasts his rather sci-fi environment. On a whole, the Egghead Arc costume represents the spirit of adventure and technologically advanced nature of this particular arc in the series of One Piece.